Thursday, June 11, 2020

Destind: Mr Almost Right

So this title isn't really bad. The stories are alright. Its just one of those dastardly Love choices. And unfortunately at the time of this one release I couldn't really afford all the hearts needed to do proper reviews of them, although I did get the gist of it from the his pov which cost simply coins and not hearts. She fibs about herself a bit in this state of the art dating app and gets her self some high level matches. Rei Mr 99% who seems a tad familiar to the MC, Arya Kuze also a 99% match?, her old high school friend whom she lost contact with Whom is hiding a secret from her desperate to keep it a secret, And last but not least Mr 100%, The one and only... High school love never achieved, Takane Momochi. A man whose heart is very twisted.
All the stories are worth the read should you find the spare money to get all the premium heart choices. These stories are worth the read if you cannot do the heart choices. Who aims for a normal end? Not me :)

Anyway right now all I can offer is sequel walkthroughs so please forgive me.

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